Share Your Story
Help build our inspiring collection of stories by sharing yours. Sharing your story help us reach parents, caregivers, future CEIMs and agencies that support families, to encourage and promote nurturing touch and communication.
get started
Share anything you like! Check out the stories below & consider these questions to get started.
How did you learn about infant massage?
How has it made an impact on your life? On your family?
What was it like to attend or teach an infant massage class?
How does your organization utilize infant massage programs?
How do you apply your knowledge of infant massage?
Want to record a video right now? Click here to record & save a video, then upload it in the form to submit.
I enjoy teaching Infant Massage because it is a great way to connect with families. It creates a space for nurturing conversations and rapport building. Infant Massage is a great way to help promote positive parent-child relationships in a caring and supportive way.
- Elizabeth F.
#NICU #Postpartum
It’s such a bonding experience.
- Parent Participant
I have been a fan/believer in massage for as long as I can remember - when our son was an infant (45+ years ago now) we would put him on a blanket in front of the fireplace, oil in hand and enjoy the special moments we had together. No formal training at that point in time but the bonding is unchanged & undeniable. From the time I learned that our grandson was to be born I was so very excited that these new targeted classes were being offered and couldn’t wait to pass it on to a new generation. Thank you Olga for helping us spread the joy!!!