Offer Space for Students CEIMs.png

You can learn more about the classes that Student Educators & CEIMs hold here. Class sizes vary from one-on-one classes to larger group classes.


Offer Space For Students & Certified Educators

To offer your space to our Student Educators and Certified Educators, review the minimum space requirements and submit the interest form below. Your information will be added to our database that is available for Students & CEIMs. A Student Educator or CEIM may get in touch with you to discuss your space in the future.

Minimum Space Requirements:

  • Space for approximately 5 caregiver/baby couples and the Student Educators/CEIM (class size may be more or less)

  • Basic amenities (ideally carpeted room, restrooms available, parking nearby)

Additional Details:

Completing the form below expresses your interest (but not obligation) and will instantly include your information in a database available to our network of Trainers and Educators. Once your location is listed, our Trainers or Educators may get in touch to discuss setting up a training or class at your location. Both locations that are free to use and paid may be listed.

For organizations with more than one location, please fill out the form with each address or get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.